Call to Worship – December 15, 2013

When Jesus began his public ministry in the region of the Galilee, he chose twelve men to be his disciples.  He also may have chosen some women as disciples, but none of the twelve men, nor any other male writers in the New Testament, was about to divulge that explosive secret.  Now, two thousand years later, Jesus calls all of us also to follow him.  Worship is the means by which God and Jesus reach out to us, inviting us once again to follow.  Therefore let us, with confidence, worship God.


Pastoral Prayer


            We who live solely because of Thee give Thee thanks for the inestimable gift of life, O God.  We praise Thee for the human community into which Thou hast placed us, and for all people everywhere.  We ask Thee to help us to strive always to live in greater harmony with one another than seems to be our inclination.  Teach us the value of overcoming differences and of seeking common ground with one another.  Recognizing that most of us have problems with various members of our own extended families, we pray for greater resolve to attempt to overcome problems we always have in the enormous human family.


            We pray for every individual in this congregation or anywhere in the world who has seriously disruptive differences with any other individuals.  Gracious Father, we all claim to be Thy children, and most of us also have a tendency to claim to be right most of the time.  Even if we are right, enable us to make amends with those with whom we are at loggerheads.  We pray especially for spouses who remain together, not for reasons of love and respect, but for other less noble reasons.  Help them to overcome their differences with one another, and to allow and to acknowledge Thy presence more fully in their lives.


            We thank Thee for people whose vocation is that of service to humanity: for doctors and nurses and other medical personnel; for teachers and professors; for people in the military of all nations; for public servants in any capacity who daily seek to improve the lives of citizens around them, and for religious workers of all sorts in all sorts of religions.  When times of discouragement or disillusionment come to these people, be Thou their strength.  Grant them wisdom for the effective carrying out of their duties, that the kingdom of this world may, in some increasing measure, become the kingdom of God.  These prayers we make in Jesus’ name, now praying together as he taught us, saying, Our Father….