Is Our Planet Slightly Larger Than Its Original Size?

The OLD Philosopher – John M. Miller

The earth is four and a half billion years old, the scientists say. Once there was dry land, which didn’t happen immediately, and presumably took a very long time, plants and trees began to grow. (Where the seeds came from, only God knows, I guess.) The plants and trees produced soil when they eventually died, which is what happens to all decayed vegetation when it shuffles off this mortal coil, although it really doesn’t. That soil produced more plants and trees, which also died, and thus more soil, and so on, for countless millions of years. So is the diameter of our planet now ten feet or a thousand feet or a mile or two or ten miles wider than it was when the world started producing all those trees and plants? And if the earth is getting bigger, is that good, or not good? Who would know for sure? What do you think?


John Miller is Pastor of The Chapel Without Walls on Hilton Head Island, SC. More of his writings may be viewed at