The OLD Philosopher  — John M. Miller

Series Two: Lectures for People Who Prefer Pondering to Pandering

The Seabrook – 300 Woodhaven Drive, Hilton Head Island
(At the Seabrook gate say you are going to an OLD Philosopher lecture.)

Tuesdays, March 5, 12, 19, & 26, 2013 from 1:30 to 3:30 – Lecture & Discussion

Cost of the Lectures: $25 for the four lectures, or $10 per lecture.
Make checks payable to The Chapel Without Walls – Pay at the Door

Proceeds go to The Chapel Without Walls Community Outreach Fund

Please Invite Your Friends!

• March 5: The Most Dangerous Enemy of Israel: A Hard Look at a Continuing Reality

Why is Israeli politics even more polarized than American politics?  Are the Palestinians helping or hurting their own cause?  How strong is “the Israel lobby”?


• March 12: A Bleeding-Heart-Liberal Hunter for Strict Gun Control

What does the Second Amendment really mean?  What kinds of weapons should be legally allowed?  Why do we permit the NRA to be so influential?


March 19: The Pros and Cons of the Most Influential Invention of the 20th Century:  How the Computer and the Internet Have Affected Everyone’s Life

Can any business operate without computers?  What happens if cyber-terrorism occurs? Do the advantages of the Internet outweigh the disadvantages?  Are we backing ourselves into a technological corner?


March 26: Drones: The Newest Worst Weapon of Our Time

Why has there been so little debate about the morality of drones?  How culpable is President Obama for the use of drones?  How soon shall other nation-states – or terrorists – employ their own drones?