The Political Left Must Move Toward the Center

The OLD Philosopher – John M. Miller


Both of the major American political parties have stymied the production of much-needed new policies because neither is willing to move toward the center. Since the election of 2022, it has become painfully evident that the Republican Party will only crawl glacially toward the center, because a small group of extremists on the Congressional right fringe will not allow them to do otherwise.

Therefore, if anything positive is to be accomplished, the Democrats in the White House and in Congress must gravitate toward the political center, even if it violates their natural inclinations. Otherwise, we will continue to have a do-nothing Congress which has accomplished very little. Since 2020, most major changes have occurred through the executive actions of the President, not through the machinations of immoveable Senators and Representatives.

In An Enemy of the People, Henrik Ibsen said, “Politics is the most important thing --- to a newspaper.” Politics is also one of the most important factors in creating an orderly and smoothly operating planet. Charles Dudley Warner said that politics makes strange bedfellows. If so, we need many more bizarre bedmates, since we have so few now.

With a new year upon us, the tendency of most candidates, including the presidential candidates, will be to appeal to “the base” in their parties, and whatever they think their base desires. That means perhaps even less will be accomplished politically in 2024 than in 2023.

All that notwithstanding, the Democrats must choose to move right in order to meet the Republicans somewhere near the center. Because the GOP has become so inflexible, if the Democrats decide to follow the lead of their adversaries, they will have joined the Republicans in creating another crippled Congress. Unhappy New Year.

                                                                                                       – December 29, 2023  


John Miller is Pastor of The Chapel Without Walls on Hilton Head Island, SC. More of his writings may be viewed at