Trump and the GOP Candidates Debate

The OLD Philosopher – John M. Miller


The Republican Party has scheduled its first presidential candidates debate on the evening of Wednesday, August 23, in Milwaukee. A second debate the next evening will occur if it is deemed necessary. One of the requirements to enter these debates is to sign a document pledging to support the ultimate Republican candidate, whoever that may be. Any candidates who refuse to sign that pledge cannot appear in these or any other Republican presidential candidate debates.

Donald Trump has already refused to do that, because he confidently assumes he will receive the nomination. If he doesn’t, we may infer that he will take his marbles and go home to Mar A Lago, never the be seen again (yeah, right!).

Probably every Democrat and Independent in the country will be miffed because of his decision. However, if there is one thing that didn’t happen to Donald Trump (and how many other misfortunes shall befall him between now and Nov. 5, 2024?), politically he didn’t just fall off the turnip truck, especially if the large-vegetable-carrier is in Iowa. Trump in many ways is a very shrewd politician, but in most other ways he is his own absolutely-worst-enemy politically. As they say, in some political issues he appears incapable of differentiating between his tuckus and the proverbial third base.

Nevertheless, Mr. Trump would have nothing to gain by appearing in the debate, and much to lose, if for no other reason that he has an inescapable desire frequently to insert his foot into his oral cavity. As I said, he didn’t just fall off the turnip truck, nor have most of his political advisers done so, although a few seem to be as intellectually gifted as a defective fence post.

As I hinted in my last apparently-far-too-cryptic three-sentence essay, it is possible that the former president will be under house arrest in Mar A Lago with Secret Service agents watching him 24/7 to make sure he communicates with no one until Nov. 5, 2024.             As you know (or should know), FBI agents tried to arrest a would-be Biden assassin early this week, but killed him when he tried to resist arrest.

It truly is good for the entire country, the world, and numerous highly-placed government officials and future witnesses at his many upcoming trials that he is prevented from ever speaking in public again. His carefully chosen incendiary words are a not-very-cryptic means of encouraging some of his more-deranged-than-others of his deranged acolytes to take arms against their (and his) sea of troubles, and by opposing, end them by violent means.

This country does not need to hear another barbed word emerge from the pursed lips of Donald Trump in the August 23 debate. It would be a great blessing to the USA and the entire world if he were prevented from ever saying anything else in a public forum. It would be a greater blessing if Mr. Trump does not succeed in gaining the presidential nomination of the GOP in 2024 or any other year.

Regarding your political future, Former President Trump: R.I.P.                                                                                  

                                                                                                         August 12, 2023


John Miller is Pastor of The Chapel Without Walls on Hilton Head Island, SC. More of his writings may be viewed at