Call to Worship – July 30, 2017

Most of the time in life we know what to do, and we do it. But sometimes we are uneasily uncertain, and we are genuinely perplexed about what we should do. When Paul wrote a letter to his friend Philemon, that was the situation in which he found himself. God is with us in all the situations of our lives, inspiring, commanding, nudging, and wooing us. In order to do what God wants, we need to listen for His quiet but persistent voice. Therefore let us now, with confidence, worship God.


Pastoral Prayer


We praise Thee, Lord God, for the gift of life, and for its strength and tenacity in the face of many obstacles and challenges. But we hear the story of a by-now famous baby named Charlie Gard, and the anguish of his parents, and we are reminded of how very tenuous life can be for anyone. We pray for people who are facing their own mortality through circumstances they have never before experienced, and who wonder how or if their lives might end. Be with such people in the enormity of the issues confronting them. Uphold them by Thy spirit, until, at the last, they shall see Thee face to face. We thank Thee for the faith and trust all of us have in the valley of the shadow of death, and for the life we believe shall be ours when we have passed through the valley to the other side.


We express our gratitude to Thee that for most of us and for most of the time, life goes on as an unmixed blessing. Day after day we are reminded of Thy goodness toward us, a goodness we have neither merited nor perhaps even requested. Yet it continues to come in profusion. Blessed be Thou, O God our creator, for Thine unfailing beneficence. And in our realizing Thy goodness toward us, inspire us to share our many blessings with others who are far less fortunate. Make us stewards of Thy loving kindness, so that all Thy children may also share in it.


We pray for the countless millions of people all over the world who are desperately poor, and whose primary concern each day is simply for sufficient food to survive for another day. Keep them so firmly in Thy care that they may know Thou wilt never abandon them. Guide the professionals and the volunteers who daily seek to help them. Make their spirits resilient in the struggle to assist people who may become hard to assist, and yet need all the assistance they can get. We pray for those who minister to the sick, and particularly to people who are so sick they are totally unable to help themselves. Grant to the caregivers patience, understanding, and love, and grant gratitude to those who are cared for in what is being done for them. There are so many people and things to pray for, O God, and so we ask for Thine aid in situations we fail to address in prayer. As always we offer our prayers in the name of Jesus, who has drawn into Thy presence by His persistent and universal appeal to Thy grace. Now we pray as Jesus taught us, saying, Our Father….