Call to Worship- January 9, 2022

Winter seems finally to have arrived in the Lowcountry, although not with a bang,  but with more of a tepid whimper.  Over the passage of time, we all encounter personal ups and downs, good seasons and not-so-good seasons.  Through it all, God is with us, to lead us when we are strong, and to pick us up when we have fallen.  Great is God’s faithfulness to us in all of life’s complexities and challenges.  Therefore let us, with the renewed confidence of a new year, worship God.


Pastoral Prayer


            Gracious and loving God, it is Thou who hast created us, Thou who hast redeemed us, and Thou who will guide us past whatever obstacles come our way,  We thank Thee for Thine unearthly persistence in sticking with us despite all the blunders we make and the detours we take.  When we fail, Thou art there.  When we become lost, Thou art there.  When we want to give up, when we feel others have abandoned us, when barriers confront us, Thou art there.  Help us, God, to take refuge in Thee at all times, and to know that nothing which cuts the ground out from under us can ever sweep us into the pit us so long as we put our trust in Thee.


            We thank Thee for all those along our lives’ paths who have assisted us in difficult or tight spots: spouses, family members, friends, occupational associates, colleagues, clergy, fellow members of the faith community, and those remarkable unknown and unnamed people who only briefly crossed our paths and were never seen again, yet whose words were as Thy words to us, whose quickly offered wisdom was as though it were Thy wisdom.  O God, we thank Thee for us, for each of us and all of us.  We thank Thee that we are never truly alone, but that we have countless numbers of people around us who become Thy ministering angels in time of anguish.  When we have failed to help others in their greatest time of need, forgive us, and teach us how better to listen for the still sad music of humanity.


            We pray for those who are ill, and who want Thee to make them well.  We pray for those who are ill, and who want to die.  We pray for those who are ill but do not know what they want, or when they want it.  Be with everyone whose faith is currently being especially buffeted, and who wonder how long they can hang on.  Grant that those whose faith is strong may continue to be strong in faith, not only for themselves, but for others around them who are not so confident.  All these things we pray in the name of Jesus, the pioneer of our faith, who walks with us throughout all of life’s challenges, opportunities, and pitfalls.  Now we pray together as he taught, saying, Our Father….