Call to Worship – June 5, 2022

 In the bright sunlight we see Him.  In the mists and shadows and growing darkness we see Him.  Even when we can neither see nor sense nor feel His presence, we somehow know He is there.  In every moment of our lives, in every act and activity and action, we trust God is with us, however meandering or uncertain our way evolves along the path we tread.  We gather in praise of the God who leads each of us, seeing His hand in matters both large and small.  Therefore let us, with confidence, worship God. 

Pastoral Prayer

We bow before Thee, O gracious God, in praise of Thy goodness, love, and steadfast compassion.  We marvel at how well our lives seem to unfold before us, especially in light of the unlimited possibilities for sadness, sorrow, and suffering which might afflict us at any time.  We express deep gratitude for the singular blessing which belongs to all of us, simply because we live in this beautiful and stimulating community.  We thank Thee for all the people who enrich our lives: spouses, family members, friends, neighbors, and mere acquaintances.  We confess, O God, that we do not feel worthy to receive the multitude of blessings we have, but nonetheless we thank Thee for all of them anyway.


            As we praise Thee for the richness and texture of our lives, we also remember those who are far less fortunate than we: the desperately poor, the perennially sick, the politically and militarily accosted, the perpetually anxious, the constantly threatened.  Lord God, we pray that somehow Thy power and presence may permeate the lives of those who are in extremity nearly every waking moment, and who look for respite wherever they may find it.  Be Thou their conscious hope and their help, O God.


            We ask Thee to make Thy forgiveness powerfully known to those who feel very guilty for actions they have taken or words they have said which have badly hurt others, particularly those who are closest to them.  Forgive us also for the ways in which we have failed both Thee and one another.  Grant healing and wholeness to those who feel broken, faith and trust to those who feel bereft of Thee and Thy grace, and confidence to those who feel they have lost their way in life, wondering how they shall ever find their path again.  All these prayers we make in the name of Jesus, who has led us to Thee, and in whom we find Thee ever anew.  Now we pray as he taught his disciples, saying, Our Father….