Call to Worship – August 14, 2022

We gather to worship the God whom we are convinced makes Himself known to us.  But how does He do that?  Does He do it individually, or collectively, or both?  Today we shall consider how God reveals His nature and His will to us by means of longevity, and we shall ponder what that means.  We are forever grateful that God makes Himself known to us at all, when it is not incumbent on Him to do so.  Therefore let us, with confidence, worship the God of self-revelation.


Pastoral Prayer


            It is with insubstantial and also insufficient gratitude that we turn to Thee in prayer, Lord God.  We cannot adequately explain how completely we owe Thee thanks, and we know that whatever we say or think, it is not enough to give Thee the praise we should offer.  Nonetheless, insufficient though it may be, we ask Thee to accept our thanks, and to infuse us with even greater gratitude as we journey through life.  We praise Thee for Thy goodness to all people everywhere, including those who seem neither to discern nor to deserve it.  Teach all of us to live with greater reverence in our hearts, so that we may live with greater purpose in our lives.


            We thank Thee that through time countless numbers of Thy daughters and sons have sensed Thy presence with them through the unfolding of the chronology of their lives.  Grant to us vision that is as clear as possible to perceive Thy leading in the affairs of peoples and nations.  Keep us from a simplistic view which sees Thee in everything, and show us how to gain more discernment for observing Thy hand in human events.  In our lives personally as well as in our lives corporately, may we see Thy will revealed in occurrences which otherwise might seem to be devoid of Thy presence and purpose.


            We pray for refugees throughout the world who flee from armed men who seek to drive them from their homes, supposing they are doing Thy will.  We pray also for those who seek to assist the refugees, placing themselves in harm’s way.  We remember those in our own fellowship who are having issues with ill health, uncertainty, or turmoil.  Be Thou our strength when our own strength seems insufficient for what must be faced.  Grant solace to the downcast, hope to the depressed, and trust to those who feel abandoned.  These and all things we pray in the name of Jesus, through whom we have come to know Thee.  Now we pray together as he taught his original followers, saying, Our Father….