Call to Worship – September 11, 2022

We gather in praise of a God who gives each of us abilities which we alone possess.  We do not fully understand why we were chosen to utilize these gifts, nor can we comprehend exactly how they operate.  But we thank God that He enables us to accomplish those things which, by ourselves, we could never do, but which, through Him, we can bring to fruition.  In gratitude for all things, let us with confidence worship God!  


Pastoral Prayer


            We bow before Thee, O God, in gratitude for all the blessings we experience around us: family members, friends, and neighbors who add richness and texture and zest to our lives; a beautiful community where both people and nature create a unique and exciting setting; for opportunities of employment and recreation and enjoyment; for the knowledge that all in all, life is good for all of us, and very good for many of us.  Keep us from taking any of these blessings for granted, and help us to live with thanksgiving for each day and for all the goodness we experience in it.


            We thank Thee also for blessings whose meaning escapes our understanding, but whose benefits are clear for all to see.  We recall incidents where we expected bad outcomes, and yet good results somehow were achieved.  Thy presence and power in our lives are mysterious, and often we are left speechless in the face of marvelous but inexplicable occurrences.  Particularly we thank Thee for those rare individuals who have been granted power by Thee to effect major changes in the lives of many people.  Uphold them in the unique and mysterious ministry they alone can perform in the world.


            On this particular day we thank Thee for the Queen, who, as the British monarch also became, in some measure, our queen and the world’s queen as well. We praise Thee for the singular gifts Thou didst give to her: an unfailing sense of service to her subjects, the dignity, stamina, insight, and determination to continue on whatever obstacles rose up before her, and her extraordinary ability always to be an exemplary defender of the faith. God, save the queen, and particularly in the burden of his new and heavy responsibilities, God, save the king. Teach all of us how, as ordinary citizens of a one-time heavily British-based republic, to be more effective ministers of Thy grace to those around us, as Elizabeth Windsor always sought to do in her long and uniquely influential life.  Keep us from imagining that we need special skills or education or experience to be useful subjects in Thy kingdom, and show that if we live, we can surely serve.  These things we ask in the name of the greatest servant who ever lived among us, Jesus Christ, Thy Son.  Now together we pray as he instructed his disciples, saying, Our Father….