Call to Worship – April 30, 2023

On this day, three weeks after Easter, we shall re-visit why Easter became the holiest day in the Christian year. The apostle Paul wrote, “God shows his love for us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” The cross demonstrates that profound truth, and Easter becomes its verification. Therefore let us, as people who have so recently celebrated Good Friday and Easter, once again worship the God who showed His love for us by means of the cross of Jesus Christ.


Pastoral Prayer


We bow before Thee, O God, awed by Thy love for us, astonished by Thy care of us, awaked by Thy commitment to us, through Thy unique Son, Jesus of Nazareth. We thank Thee for Jesus’ constancy toward Thee, especially in light of our own inconstancy, and by his luminescent reflection of Thee, despite our inability frequently to reflect Thee in how we live. Help us in this day to understand Thee more fully, as we consider the meaning of Jesus’ death on the cross.


We pray for all those anywhere in the world who have rejected both Thee and Jesus: those who live in cultures where Thou art virtually unknown, those who inhabit Christian cultures but who nevertheless have turned away from Thee, those who were long devoted to Thee and to Jesus, and yet, for reasons perhaps known only to them, have departed from Thee and Thine unceasing love for them. Be with everyone for whom the life of faith is a constant trial, and who mightily strive for enlightenment when it never seems to come to them.


Be with all Thy children who are in the depths of grief because of the death of someone much loved: a parent, a spouse, a child, a close friend. Whether death came swiftly or slowly for those who have died, may Thy spirit uphold those who must learn to live without these loved ones. Uphold the sick, raise the despondent from their depression, grant wisdom to all those whose decisions affect the lives of hundreds, thousands, or millions, and all who minister to anyone in need of the healing touch of another human being. These and all our prayers we make in the name of Jesus, by whom we have been drawn into Thy saving grace. Now together we pray as Jesus taught us, saying, Our Father….