Call to Worship – December 3, 2023

Today the Christian world begins a time of preparation.  Advent leads up to Christmas, when once again we celebrate the birth of Jesus.  Different people prepare differently, for not all believe the same things about Jesus.  However any of us individually may perceive the birth of Jesus, together we let us look forward to the hope and joy represented by his coming into the world.  Therefore let us, with Advent confidence, worship God.


Pastoral Prayer


            We are grateful to Thee, O God, for the Thanksgiving holiday we recently celebrated, and for all the blessings its represents.  We thank Thee for the obvious abundance of our lives, an abundance to which surely we contributed, but also which comes to us from many sources beyond our own efforts.  We praise Thee for allowing us to live in this country and community, and for all the additional undeserved blessings that represents.  Keep us from ever taking any or all of our blessings for granted, and continually show us that all good comes ultimately from Thee.


            We thank Thee for another season of Advent when we gather again in anticipation of the good news of the birth of a unique child who uniquely reflected Thy will and Thy way.  Help us who call ourselves Christians always to live like Christians.  Enable us to incorporate the radical truths he taught us into our everyday behavior, so that Jesus Christ may be seen in who we are and what we do.  Prevent us from choosing the easy virtues of the world, replacing them instead with the difficult challenges to which Jesus calls us.  Forgive us when we opt out of the trying life of the Christian for the careful life of safe caution.


            We pray this day for all we know who are in difficult circumstances: the financially stressed, the physically depleted, the morally compromised, the mentally confused, and the daily distracted.  Help them to be centered in a renewed awareness of Thy presence with them, as hard as life may seem to them at the moment.  Deepen the faith of all of us, O God, for without the knowledge of Thy presence with us and Thy love for us, we are hard pressed to make it on our own in this world.  Teach us how we may more effectively follow Thy paths for us as they are mapped out in all of scripture, but especially in the words and ways of the Coming One, Jesus Christ, Thy son.  Now we pray together as he taught his disciples, saying, Our Father….