Call to Worship – February 26, 2023

The God who sent Jesus calls us together in worship.  God alone is worthy of worship, and Jesus made that crystal clear in all that he said and did.  Christians are people who believe that in Jesus we see God made visible in the form of one born most fully in the likeness of God.  Both God and Jesus are worthy of our worship, and to them we now turn in thanksgiving and praise.  Therefore let us, with confidence, worship God.


Pastoral Prayer


            We praise Thee, O God of love, for bringing us into the world and for making life so fulfilling and captivating.  We thank Thee for giving us so many opportunities to deepen and expand our lives: through family and friendships, through education and inspiration, through work and worship.  Guide us by Thy spirit as we pass through our existence, so that who we are and what we do matters to others as well as to ourselves.


            We pray for people who daily serve others by means of their vocations: nurses, doctors, social workers, military personnel, judges, the police, legislators, government bureaucrats, teachers, missionaries, caregivers, and all others whose labor translates into helping others live better because of what they have done on their behalf.  Give them energy for their well-doing, particularly when they feel depleted or too little appreciated.


            In everything all of us face, O God, give us faith to look for Thy guidance, trust that Thou wilt go with us through whatever trials we encounter, and hope that regardless of what transpires, we shall never be alone, because Thou wilt be with us.  These prayers we offer in the name of the one who struggled along with us, Jesus Christ, Thy Son and our Master.  Now we pray as he instructed us, saying, Our Father….