May 14, 2023 – Call to Worship

God is not just the God of our nation, but of all nations.  He is not just the God of certain peoples, but of all peoples.  He wills that we should live in peace and harmony with one another, and that we should work out our differences and disputes as amicably as possible.  For that reason God wants the leaders of all countries to guide the affairs of state, rather than merely to follow others and to react to what happens.  Therefore let us, with confidence, worship the God of all nations.


Pastoral Prayer


            We praise Thee, O God, for Thy loving kindness in giving all of us life, and giving it in such abundance.  When we compare ourselves to the great majority of the world’s people, we realize that we have blessings far above and beyond our deserving, and that merely by being citizens of this nation we are extraordinarily fortunate.  Keep us from taking any of our blessings for granted, as though Thy nature or earthly nature somehow decreed that we should have all that is ours.  Make us grateful, O God, and also make us humble, lest pride causes us to stumble.


            We pray for people in great need: those who are recovering from immense natural disasters; those who are coming close to death, and are either eager or fearful for the end of earthly life to come; those whose world has been turned upside down by foolish mistakes they themselves made, and who are looking for someone to blame, perhaps even Thee; those who daily face chronic illnesses which will never kill them, but which also will afflict them for as long as they live; those whose faith has been badly buffeted by circumstances over which they had no control, and who now wonder whether Thy love for them has completely failed them.  Lord God, be the strength of the weak, the hope of those in despair, the guide for those who are lost, and the comfort of those who experience frequent affliction.


            On this Mothers’ Day we pray for all mothers of every age. First we remember those who shall soon become mothers. In times of political peril, may they be kept safe for a safe delivery of their baby. We remember those who have recently become mothers, and have been given the joy and the heavy responsibilities that entails. Especially be with those women for whom motherhood of small children seems to them to be a great burden with little joy. Be with mothers of teenagers and young adults, who are constantly confronted by concerns over many issues for their daughters and sons. Bless mothers of middle-aged offspring whose lives have been become heavy because of the heaviness of of events in the lives of those offspring. Especially we pray for Thy presence to be with mothers who have lost children of any age to death. Be with all mothers, that the sentimentality of this day may be overshadowed by an awareness of wise sentiment in the midst of many maternal challenges.  These things we ask in the name of Jesus Christ, whom, in some sense, we recognize to be our Lord.  Now as he taught us, we pray together, saying, Our  Father….